Thoughts... by the way

An aside. The one thing that makes sense of the play.

Tuesday, November 29

Baby Girl Collins

One of the most amazing things that can be experienced is to hold a child that has been breathing air, in our world, all that we are and all that we know, for just a few hours.

My cousin Jeff and his wife Ivy gave birth to their first yesterday, Baby Girl Collins. The proper name is on the way.

Tuesday, November 1

Trick or Treat.

Last night was my first official Halloween living in a neighborhood not dominated by college aged males. So I bought candy, turned on my porch light, dressed as a freshly dead truck salesman and waited. Began watching television and waited. Finally, at around 8:45 my non-English speaking neighbor felt sorry for me and brought over the cutest Mexican Pirate I believe could ever have existed. I'm not kidding, I gave him the whole bag of candy. We speak Spanish on close to the same level, me and the kid. "Hola" and "Adios" comprising 100 percent of our interactions. Of course, he's 2, so. Happy Halloween.