Thoughts... by the way

An aside. The one thing that makes sense of the play.

Tuesday, March 1

It's snowing.

Tony Danza has a talk show now. It is unbelievably terrible. It's called "The Tony Danza Show". He's singing "The Lady is a Tramp" and he's not that bad, it's just a bit offsetting.

Insurance companies are all saving you money. No, they really are. They are all cheaper than everyone else. Everyone saved big money by switching last year. Think about this, if they are all saving you money, there has got to be some insurance company out there charging a million dollars. As long as you're not with them, you're a-ok.

My favorite comedy: Raising Arizona

Jake and I are watching RKO281 and it's pretty good. It makes me want to watch Citizen Kane again.

It's snowing outside. Not enough to sled.


At 3:01 PM, Blogger Alex & Laura Beth said...

This snow needs to accumulate! I'm feeling it's time for speedo sledding 2005!

At 3:05 PM, Blogger Adrian Blackney said...

Shh... I think everyone has forgotten.

Check those links, that website has all kinds of complete screenplays, pretty cool.

At 8:04 PM, Blogger Nikki Leigh Daniel said...

Speedo Sledding! Do tell! Do tell!
Oh, and Adrian, you aren't getting away with not giving me a Febreeze explanation.
And no more motorcycle jokes!


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