Thoughts... by the way

An aside. The one thing that makes sense of the play.

Thursday, January 27

Dealer to the stars.

I got a call yesterday from world famous singer/songwriter, Doug Florio of Kimmet and Doug. They are a local Louisville duo via Long Island, New York who I just can't get enough of these days. Aside from original songs (many of which hold water believe it or not) they cover a little of everything and a lot of Zeppelin. I try to see them at least once a week which is easy enough because they play every wednesday and sunday night at Ye Ole Dutch's Tavern on Shelbyville Rd in St. Matthews. Somehow, over the course of a few months, they know my name and that I sell cars.
Hence the phone call.
"Hey Adrian, this is Doug, from Kimmet and Doug, and my girlfriend is looking to buy a car today......"
Dealer to the stars.


At 8:26 PM, Blogger Nikki Leigh Daniel said...

Hey Adrian, this Nikki, from seminary, and I am looking to buy a car today...
Okay, so my car BROKE today in the middle of an intersection (no, seriously...smack dab in the middle-I was turning left). It's in the shop now. Adrian, seriously, I am hoping that my car will last through this semester, but since it's the most unreliable car ever made, I'm not so sure about that. I'm no Doug from Kimmet and Doug, but c' a sister out. I'll be car shopping maybe at the end of the semester. Or maybe sooner.

At 3:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Hold water' eh? I've never heard my songs described as some sort of tupperware or flask or bladder or other non-porous, liquid securing container. But that's better than "those songs suck"! So, thanks. I do appreciate you giving coming to the shows and giving us a mention here on this lovely site.
Interesting poo story. I too would have convinced myself it must be chocolate. Who thinks they'll step in crap in a Blockbuster? Who would crap in Blockbuster? Especially when it's so well lit?



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